Brown Law Office Ohio OVI/DUI Blog

Brown Law Office Ohio OVI/DUI Blog

Administrative License Suspensions Explained

In Ohio, if a motorist is arrested on suspicion of OVI/DUI (operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs), and the motorist either (1) tests over the legal limit of .08, or (2) refuses to submit to a breathalyzer test, the motorist’s license will be suspended regardless of whether he or she is ultimately convicted of OVI.  Generally, if the motorist tests over the limit, the administrative license suspension (“ALS”) is 90 days.  If the motorist refuses the test, the administrative license suspension is one year in most circumstances.  The license suspension stays in effect even if the motorist is ultimately acquitted of OVI/DUI, unless the ALS is appealed.

If you are stopped for suspicion of impaired driving, contact the OVI/DUI attorneys at the Brown Law Office for a free consultation at 330-601-0101.  As founding members of the American Association of Premier DUI Attorneys, we have the resources and experience necessary to defend your case.