Brown Law Office OVI/DUI Blog
Wooster DUI/OVI attorneys
If you are arrested for an DUI/OVI and submit to a breathalyzer and test over the per se limit of .08, you will receive what is known as an administrative license suspension. This is a civil suspension, and is imposed before you are ever convicted of an DUI/OVI. If you are convicted of an OVI/DUI, your license can be suspended by the Court for a longer period of time.
With the help of an OVI/DUI criminal defense attorney, it is possible to get limited driving privileges while your license is suspended. An OVI/DUI criminal defense attorney knows the laws and various situations surrounding limited driving privileges. Your attorney will be able to help you determine if you would be able to qualify by taking into account certain circumstances such as whether your license was suspended for refusing or failing a chemical test, or if this is not your first OVI/DUI offense.
Limited driving privileges can help you maintain being able to get to work, school, or medical appointments. The Brown Law Office has experienced OVI/DUI criminal defense attorneys who can help you with every aspect of your OVI/DUI case including the process to gain limited driving privileges. Give Brown Law Office a call today at 330-601-0101 for a FREE consultation to discuss your specific case.