What are the Consequences of a Second OVI in Ohio?
We’ve already addressed the penalties for a first time OVI in Ohio, which themselves can be steep. But with a second time OVI it only gets worse. Here are the penalties, along with other potential consequences, if you charged with a second OVI offense within 6 years of the first OVI offense.
Second OVI Offense
Minimum jail time up to 10 days, maximum up to 1 year
Minimum fine of $525, maximum of $1,625
Minimum license suspension of 1 year, maximum of 5 years
Mandatory immobilization of vehicle for 90 days and mandatory restricted plates
In addition, there are non-legal penalties that can be experienced long after a legal sentence. Many people experience:
Collateral Consequences
Higher insurance rates
Towing and storage fees
Public transportation fees
Loss of employment
Inability to secure future employment
As you can see, the penalties are steep for a second time OVI in Ohio. Any many courts go well beyond the minimum penalties, imposing as much as 30 days in jail, a 5 year license suspension, and a $1,000 fine. It is therefore imperative that you retain experienced and aggressive OVI counsel if you are charged with OVI. Call the Brown Law Office today at 330-601-0101.