OVI/DUI BLOG, Sobriety Check Points
OVI/DUI BLOG, Sobriety Check Points
With Memorial Day just around the corner, Brown Law Office reminds you of the risk of potential sobriety check points. To find out information about Ohio State Patrol Sobriety Checkpoints and the reason behind them, visit their website at http://statepatrol.ohio.gov/sobcheck.stm. So what should you do at a sobriety checkpoint?
If you are stopped at a sobriety checkpoint and have been drinking remember that you still have rights! If you are ordered out of the vehicle on suspicion of being impaired, you have the right to refuse to perform field sobriety tests. You also have the right to refuse to blow into a portable breath test machine. Finally, you have the right to remain silent, and to refuse to answer the officer’s questions regarding if and how much you have been drinking. It is important to remember that the officer is not looking out for your best interests, but is trying to gather evidence for an OVI/DUI prosecution.
Bottom line…..remain calm and call an experienced OVI/DUI attorney! The Brown Law Office is experienced in all different manner of OVI/DUI cases and as members of the American Association of DUI Attorneys, we have the tools and resources for your specific case. The Brown Law Office also handles all other criminal matters, and the criminal defense attorneys at the Brown Law Office can assist you in evaluating and defending your criminal case. Call today for a free consultation at 330-601-0101.
For information on possible upcoming Sobriety Checkpoints in your area visit http://www.duiblock.com/dui_checkpoint_locations/ohio/